Committed to
Protecting Children
and Vulnerable Adults

Keeping people safe from abuse and harm requires committed, collaborative effort. FADICA’s Safeguarding Initiative engages funders and their grantee partners as they work to develop, build, and sustain safeguarding best practices within philanthropic, non-profit, and faith-based organizations.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding refers to measures and interventions that protect people from abuse, harm, exploitation, or violence. You may be familiar with the terms abuse prevention, safe environment, or abuse risk management.

In practice, safeguarding looks like...

Promoting Awareness

Educating all organizational stakeholders, including staff, volunteers, Board members, program participants, and beneficiaries of service


Developing written policy that communicates clear behavioral expectations for all individuals served by or serving the organization


Implementing minimum training requirements for employees and high-access volunteers

Standardizing Protocol

Establishing written procedures for responding to and documenting policy violations, inappropriate behaviors, and incidents or allegations of abuse

Destigmatizing Reporting

Publicizing clear and safe pathways for individuals to raise concerns and make reports, internally and externally

Encouraging Boundaries

Promoting healthy boundaries and empowering individuals to be observant and attentive to situational risk

Praising Conversation

Normalizing questions and dialogue about individual and organizational safety

Supporting & Advocating

Supporting healing and assuring justice for victims and survivors of abuse

An organization can and should frame safety as its number one priority: the foundation on which service is built, and a perpetual commitment that prioritizes the dignity and well-being of the individual over the reputation or gains of the organization.


Safeguarding’s Impact


Informed service providers, participants, and beneficiaries help create and sustain safe environments. A proactive team is a conscientious team, knowledgeable of boundaries, aware of risks, and committed to continuing education and development.

Everyone Is a Stakeholder In Safety


Policy & Response

Communicating an organization’s zero tolerance for abuse, affirmed by a written safeguarding policy, is a necessary first step in establishing safeguarding best practices.

Defined Policy Sets the Tone

Protections For
The Most Vulnerable

Organizations with strong protocols and educated personnel signal to clients and the general public that safety is a priority. Normalizing safeguarding in conversation and practice creates safer environments for vulnerable persons.

Closing Safeguarding Gaps Is Crucial

Increased Protection

Safeguarding can be a shared value between funder and grantee… By normalizing this conversation, by tackling this issue together as a community, we can contribute to overall culture change.


FADICA believes that philanthropy must boldly proclaim the priority of safeguarding. By working together, funders and grantee partners can educate their communities, normalize safeguarding best practices, and change organizational culture.

FADICA’s safeguarding approach is predicated on accompaniment—funders and grantee partners walking together to understand gaps, shape responses, and implement solutions. Funders are well-placed to offset capacity-building costs for partners and deliver accessible resources, yet safeguarding learnings and experiences must be shared by both parties:

For Funders

Funders should seek to understand the challenges that a grantee partner may face in implementing best practices. A funder with lived safeguarding experience is an empathetic funder that can identify stumbling blocks and deliver support.

For Grantees Partners

Grantee partners must develop trust with a funder to make disclosures about their safeguarding journey. It is critical for partners to see that a foundation is sincere and committed to its own internal learning and development, despite being some degrees removed from direct service.

Shared values inform many philanthropic relationships, and safeguarding, rooted in acknowledging and protecting the dignity of all persons, is no exception. Safeguarding efforts from funders and grantees can complement existing efforts from nonprofits, government, and religious institutions.

FADICA believes that philanthropy must boldly proclaim the priority of safeguarding.

Our Core Values

Every Person
Has Dignity
The safety and well-being of all staff, volunteers, and clients is a priority for any service provider or ministry.
Change Starts
Organizations committed to safety educate and empower their stakeholders, from leadership to team members to the community.
Access Is Critical
Access to diverse safeguarding resources, including regular orientation and training, helps organizations develop best practices.
Produces Results
Working within your network and partner organizations, alongside leaders in faith and civil society, catalyzes change.

Prioritize Safeguarding in Your Organization With Our Library of Resources


Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light (D2L) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit in the United States that empowers adults to precent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse through awareness, education, and stigma reduction. D2L's work is guided by the vision of a world free from child sexual abuse, and a world in which adults form prevention-oriented communities that protect the child's right to a healthy childhood. D2L trainings, including its flagship "Stewards of Children" curriculum, are adult-focused, evidence-informed, and trauma-informed.
Praesidium specializes in preventing sexual abuse in organizations that serve youth and vulnerable adults. For more than 30 years, Praesidium has researched and conducted root cause analyses of thousands of cases of sexual abuse across a diverse range of organizations. The company employs more than 50 staff, including licensed social workers, lawyers, and health care researchers, and has served over 5,000 clients with a broad range of products and services, including online and instructor–led trainings, organizational risk assessments, model policies, and background checks. Having trained more than one million people online and hundreds of thousands in person, Praesidium is the largest and most comprehensive sexual abuse risk management firm globally.
Keeping Children Safe
Keeping Children Safe (KCS) is an international not-for-profit registered in the United Kingdom, solely focused on child safeguarding. KCS set out internationally recognized child safeguarding standards for organizations around the world, and KCS is committed to consulting with children and their caregivers. KCS is a membership network that offers workshops and trainings in multiple languages. All work is evidence-based and subject to continuous monitoring, improvement and external review by its Independent Review Committee.

Connect With Us

Questions? Comments? Keep the conversation going! Whether you would like to discuss safeguarding goals, planning, or resources available to your organization, our team is here to help. Connect with us via email below, and let us know how we can support you.

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